Easiest way to monitor, analyze, and reply to app reviews.

Handle app reviews faster and more effectively with Appreviewkit. Sign Up !

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Dig Into App Reviews

Explore your app reviews with filters, keyword search, and automatic translation.

Get Review Alerts

Get an alert when new reviews that fit your filters show up on the app store on email/slack etc..

Easy replies

Easily reply to reviews from a single dashboard to reviews from any app store.

Handle app reviews faster and effectively

Appreviewkit provides one platform to monitor, analyse, and respond to user reviews. You can aggregate user feedback from iOS, Android, and Amazon app stores, and discover insights in one workspace.

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Features that make us Stand Out

We provide simple solutions to complex problems

Review Alerts on your communication channels

Recieve an alert when a review that fit your filters show up on the app store, to the channels you already use like email and Slack. Prevent noise with filters. Make sure only the reviews you want to know about get delivered by using star, version, country, and keyword filters.

Reply effortlessly

Interact with your users quickly using the most streamlined interface. Just type your reply and submit it without ever leaving the platform. Type and submit. See a review you want to reply to? Click the reply button, type it, and click submit. That’s it.

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